Earth Day – 22 April 2022

The global ecological crisis we find ourselves in today urgently demands a new way of seeing, thinking and acting.

God’s creation is there not purely to serve our needs. We humans are an integral part of nature and the ecosystems we live in. It is a mindset of domination that has led to the crisis we face today: a crisis where environmental and social injustice are deeply interconnected.

When we see that the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor are interconnected, we realise that our responses to the two cannot be separated. When we recognise how ensconced we are in the crisis, we are called to deepen our awareness of our interconnectedness across all of creation and to identify what choices we need to make to enable our planet and people to live in dignity. Each one of us can do something, however small it may seem.

This year’s Earth Day theme, “Invest in our planet”, invites us all to do whatever we can to preserve and protect our world.

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion strive to live out values of integral ecology and work to educate, advocate and act for the good of Our Common Home, the Earth.


Illustrations by Sr Victoria Nabil, NDS