Many of these publications can be found in libraries and bookstores or online.
Reaburn, Mary NDS. A Friendly Guide to Jewish-Christian Relations, Garratt Publishing, 2024, 64 p.
Avril, Anne-Catherine NDS. Lumières du Shabbat, Shabbat de lumière, Lessius Éditions jésuites, 2023, 181 p.
Bodzinska, Ania NDS. “Góra prawdziwego szczęścia: Żydowskie korzenie Kazania na Górze”. In Życie duchowe – Szczęśliwy chrześcijanin, Wydawnictwo WAM, no. 113, 2023, 36-49.
Casas, Arlyne NDS. God’s cosmic embrace: Conversations with Abrahamic believers, Notre Dame de Sion, 2023, 216 p.
Fritz, Maureena NDS. Redeeming Jesus’ Name: Reflections of a Ninety-Year-Old Nun Living in Jerusalem. Foreword by Paul F. Knitter. Wipf and Stock Publishers, Jun 2023, 178 p.
Reaburn, Mary NDS. A Friendly Guide to the Book of Psalms, Garratt Publishing, 2022, 56 p.
Brittain, Anne NDS. Three booklets: A Creative Word – Excavating the Sources; Bibliodrama – A Transformative Word; A No Word – The Silence of Zen. Editor Faye Cura, published in the Philippines, 2021.
Dacy, Marianne NDS. Winds of change – The contribution of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion to Jewish/Christian relations in Australia: 1960s – 2020+. Ellikone (printer), Melbourne, 2020.
Denis, Isabelle NDS and Galith Touati (editors). Les enfants ont des droits. L’enfant et la Shoah series, Yad Layeled France, 2019, 8 p.
La Maisonneuve (de), Dominique NDS. “La congrégation Notre-Dame de Sion dans le VIè arrondissement de Paris”. In Bulletin de la société historique du VIè arrondissement de Paris. New series no. 31, 2018/2019, 111-129.
La Maisonneuve (de), Dominique NDS and Hebbelinck, Thérèse. Histoire du SIDIC : Service d’Information et de Documentation Juifs-Chrétiens. Parole et Silence, 2018, 220 p.
Watson, Patricia NDS. Far Horizons, Life of M. Raphaéla de Sion and superior of the first Sisters to found the Congregation in Australia. Ellikone (printer), Melbourne, 2018.
Brittain, Teresa NDS and Levy, Natan. “Jewish Particularism”. In Deep Calls to Deep: Transforming Conversations between Jews and Christians. Edited by Tony Bayfield, SCM Press, 2017, [291-320].
Gelain, Isabelle-Marie NDS. Flore d’Arc, Gémenos 1960-2010. Gémenos, 2017, 47 p.
La Maisonneuve (de), Dominique NDS. Le judaïsme (tout simplement). Les éditions de l’Atelier, Paris, 2017, 170 p.
Deutsch, Celia NDS. “A Journey to Dialogue: the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion and the Writing of Nostra Aetate”. In Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations Vol. 11, no. 1, 2016, 1-36.
Deutsch, Celia NDS. “The Interpreter as Intertext: Origen’s First Homily on the Canticle of Canticles”. In Ambiguities, Complexities, and Half-Forgotten Adversaries: Crossing Boundaries in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by Andrea Lieber and Kimberly Stratton. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement Series. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2016.
Deutsch, Celia NDS. “Sara and Elisha Ben Avuyah: Who Is the ‘Other’?” In Love Finer Than Wine: the Writings of Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker. Edited by Edward C. Bernstein. Self-published, 2016, 169-172.
Doetzel, Audrey NDS. The 21st Century Need for Mystics and Prophets. Contemporary Spirituality Series, Avila University, Kansas City, MO, 2016.
Mihalovici, Ionel NDS. “David Flusser: una semblanza ante el centenario de su nacimiento”. In El Olivo: Documentación y estudios para el diálogo entre Judíos y Cristianos, Vol. 40, no. 84, 2016, 105-122.
Doetzel, Audrey NDS. “Nostra Aetate Heralds Interspirituality”. In Sion in Dialogue Newsletter, no. 9, Dec 2014/Jan 2015.
Fritz, Maureena NDS. “An Ecclesial Copernican Revolution and The Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalem”. In Coexistence and Reconciliation in Israel. Edited by Ron Kronish, Paulist Press, 2015.
Jardine, Clare NDS. Teaching about Catholic-Jewish relations. 2015, 15 p.
Niesz, Jacqueline (Sr Louise-Marie) NDS. SIDIC-Information editorials: no. 0 to 410, Dec 1974 to Dec 2015.
Denis, Isabelle NDS. Si différents ! Si semblables ! Anima&Cie, 2014, 93 p.
Denis, Isabelle NDS. “Et toi, que dis-tu de toi-même ?” In L’Ecole Ganenou (bulletin for the 20 anniversary of the school), Ecole Ganenou, Paris, 2014.
Deutsch, Celia NDS. Review of Do We Worship the Same God? Jews, Christians and Muslims in Dialogue. Edited by Miroslav Volf, William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michegan and Cambridge, UK, 2012. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion 82, 3, 2014.
Saint Amand (de), Anne-Bénédicte NDS. Le caractère propre de l’éducation à Notre-Dame de Sion, quelques orientations. Notre-Dame de Sion, Lyon, 2014, 34 p.
Rota, Olivier. Apostolat catholique et travail social en milieu juif : Les Ancelles de Notre-Dame de Sion (1926-1964), Cerf Patrimoines, Sept 2019, 274 p.
Danon, Ruth. Sister of Zion. Gefen Publishing House, Feb 2016, 200 p.
Sirat, René-Samuel Grand-Rabbin. “Le dialogue inter-religieux à l’école juive ?” In l’Ecole Ganenou (bulletin for the 20 anniversary of the school), Ecole Ganenou, Paris, 2014.
Green, Emma. “Sisters of Sion: The Nuns Who Opened their Doors for Europe’s Jews.” In The Atlantic, Oct 2012.
Green, Emma. “Developing Dialogue: The Congregation of Our Lady of Sion and Nostra Aetate, 1945-1969”. In Ecumenical Trends, no. 41, Feb 2012, 8-15.
Hirsch Poynard, Céline. Sisters of Our Lady of Sion Righteous among the Nations. Notre-Dame de Sion, Lyon, Mar 2012.
Association Asmae-sœur Emmanuelle. Sœur Emmanuelle : une vie d’amour. Flammarion, 2009, 178 p.
Cayrol, Annabella, Domon, Jack and Galdric (illustrator). Yalla! La Vie de Sœur Emmanuelle en BD. Casterman, 2009, 50 p.
Rota, Olivier and Delmaire, Danielle (dir.). “Activités apostoliques et culturelles en Europe et au Levant. Notre-Dame de Sion (milieu XIXe siècle – milieu XXe siècle)”, In Actes de la Journée d’étude du 5 mai 2006, Université Lille III, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Travaux et Recherches, 2009, 144 p.
Rota, Olivier. “Les Pères de Sion. Une vocation spécifique assumée avec difficulté (1925-1970)”. In Sens, Mar 2009, 184-196.
Lunel, Pierre. Sœur Emmanuelle – La Biographie. Edited by Anne Carrière, 2006, 422 p.
Rota, Olivier. “Une double fidélité. Évolution générale de la congrégation féminine de Notre-Dame de Sion dans sa relation aux Juifs (1946-1969)”. In Sens, Feb 2005, 67-77.
Comte, Madeleine. Sauvetages et baptêmes, les religieuses de Notre-Dame de Sion face à la persécution des juifs en France (1940-1944). L’Harmattan, 2001, 224 p.
De Gaulmyn, Isabelle. “A l’école du dialogue interreligieux”. In La Croix, 27 Jul 1999, p. 8.
Halimi Éric. “Une meilleure compréhension judéo-chrétienne”. In Actualité juive, no. 468, 28 Mar 1996, 28.
Hazan, Karen. “Dessine-moi un chabbath, enfants Juifs et chrétiens à l’école”. In Tribune juive, no. 1309, 12 Jan 1995, 34.